10 reasons why I started blogging—again: what’s in it for you
Find charms like this in random 5 min read October 10, 2017
It all started with the big bang 10 years 13.7 billion years ago. Since then, the earth has gone through many transformations as we witnessed the information age where the digital revolution is reshaping around us. What do you think this relentless quest has brought upon us? Your guess is as good as mine, The Imagination Age. Virtual Reality is just the beginning. But still, the knowledge workers dominate the economy; dissemination of information is of utmost importance. The irony is that I was too naive to contribute. Anyhoo, one of my mentors, Asankha Perera, CEO at Adroitlogic emphasized the power of sharing information at every turn.
Information used to play games with me throughout my academic career. I took the lazy man's road. Google was my friend all along; but, even Google seized feeble at times. My current employment at AdroitLogic put me to the test—I had to do a litmus test—So, I started blogging again; this time about the things that matter, things even my friend, Google couldn’t help me with. Anyways, here are some of the reasons that made me jumping on the bandwagon.
1. An insatiable craving for writing?
Now.. don’t get me wrong. I am not a writer. I’ve never been one because I didn’t want to. Every now and then my actions were slopped onto Google Docs, being saved for a rainy day—as I’m a victim of Transient Global Amnesia—at least I think I am. One thing led to another and now I’m writing.
Not all the writers are quirky recluses; nor gifted with super powers. But, you and I can be writers, if we decide to put an end to watching television since it's poisonous to creativity. You don't want poison anywhere near you, now do you? Writing is a tried-and-true way to enhance learning, organize thinking, improve communication, and develop creativity. Some of the articles I recently read really inspired me to write, thus materialized the long awaited blog. But, will this make me a good writer? The decision is up to you. I think you should write too.
2. Technology transfer
Drastic improvements in almost every sector have pushed idea commercialization to the next levels, mainly due to the technological uprise of enterprise giants. A Business Insider article describes that the food shortages will not be a problem by 2025 with the current rate of development. Technology and its transfer play a huge role in manifesting reality where these were mere dreams. One of the main goals of this blog was to share knowledge and get discussions on technology underway.
3. Noble cause
Have you ever spent days and nights struggling to find solutions for a technical problem, but once you found them you couldn’t understand them? Been there, done that—I’ve had my fair share of searching for the same thing over and over again; reading the same set of articles and answers again and again.
This blog will be about the things I bagged in my ugly endeavours, things I accidentally spilt onto Google Docs. I have had to take a peek and relive in some of those moments every so often. Why conceal the knowledge, when a world could benefit? Thus emerged, Chummy Charms. You will find a string of concernedly compiled articles which will help you to chase away the boogeyman in your nightmares.
In a career of technology, sometimes, following the footsteps is far more valuable than delving into an article with in-depth theories. This blog may include both, you may cherry-pick according to your need.
4. A right-brained guy?
I love to design, to create something that didn't exist. My obsession got worse, as I designed this blog for months including several cycles from the scratch; this piece of art needs some content though. Back in the day, when I was a freelancer, I helped loads of people to blog and live their dreams. Blogging boosts creativity, it definitely did mine. Creativity is proven to be good for health—relieving your stress, enhancing your brain function, nurturing your social life. Who in the right mind doesn’t want that, right? Read, and read more, subscribe to Chummy Charms, gather knowledge, start writing something of your own. Be creative. Be healthy.
5. Technology trends for power readers
Our living standard has been improved due to growing technological applications in day-to-day life. Every industry is boosted by the technology. Owing to this advancement, once mere dreams have become a reality in almost all the fields. Every techno professional must be updated with the technology these days in order to survive.
“Trends come and go, but the style remains forever”.
Learning new things is my passion, thus reading about various technologies and conducting my little experiments. I'm willing to share the little experience I gained over this little period of time making some strong content for the power readers.
6. Adding meaning to life
I’ve been wandering around the blogosphere since 2001 and wanted to be an active part of it for a long time. Then I started but was blogging about various ridiculous things for quite some time. It’s time I took this serious—the power of a blog. Chummy Charms is going to be like the journal of Bilbo Baggins, the diary of Tom Riddle, in which the adventures I encounter during my journey to the centre of the technology world are scratched down. I am open to suggestions, comments that make this more meaningful.
7. Be inspirational
It's no wonder that you and loads of others love to write but don’t have enough drive. I'm not a bookworm, but I read with the intention of being armed with new skills every day, and to admire the attractive work, the masterpieces. Creative blogger Dustin Curtis, the creator of Svbtle used to write striking articles over the years and heavily inspired me. There are life-changing blogs if you read more carefully. I hope I can inspire at least a few of you through Chummy Charms, not today, maybe one day.
8. Sharing
It’s no secret that Facebook, Twitter and other social sites convert others' ideas and thoughts into a constant stream of revenue. Information sharing opens access to a whole new level of individual and community development: promotes trust, enables better decisions, enhances analytical adroitness. If you use more carefully, it builds value. Honestly, I’m not the best at communication. According to my result of the Myers-Briggs test, I am an introvert. I know there are many like me out there. Yes.. I’m talking to you. Being engaged with a blog is a great medium to communicate your ideas. Start sharing your knowledge, add comments, show your love. There is internet full of people waiting to read your views.
9. For a better purpose
Blogging helps web scraping for modern information. Rather than wasting time on movies & games, this drives one to learn new things and sharpen the observational prowess. Crafting an article is not that easy, if it was, everyone would be doing that. It needs a lot of information in your pockets, learning about a wide range of areas, conducting tests on your own. This leads to proactive learning, where one can learn in a more constructive way.
10. Cultivating social life
Blogging gifts you freedom. It extricates the philosopher in you and helps to ease the pain of anyone who’s down in the dumps. More importantly, blogging benefits your social life bulging your network opening up to new and amazing opportunities.
As Winnie once said,
A good blog post should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to keep it interesting!